Easy shrimp coconut curry in just 20 minutes!
Crispy ravioli pasta are great appetizers and snacks.
Homemade Chili Garlic Crunch or Onion Crisp is crazy good.
Welcome to our Super Bowl menu where you’ll find the best dip and appetizer recipes. Cheesy dips, healthier homemade hummus and appetizers galore is...
This healthy Thai chicken soup recipe is delicious. But you can customize the spice level to make it what you want! The best part...
If you’re looking for a great meatball recipe, here it is: baked parmesan meatballs. We wanted to create a meatball that was flavorful, savory,...
This garlic buffalo wings recipe is a reader favorite and perfect for game day or tailgating. Our homemade spicy garlic buffalo wing sauce is...
Have you ever tried skillet brussels sprouts before? It’s so much easier to enjoy brussels sprouts without having to turn on the oven. Best...
Wow, this Instant Pot chicken broccoli soup recipe is so good. We’re really obsessed with our Instant Pot recipes and pressure cooking for so...
Our Healthy Zucchini Tortillas Recipe is for healthy low carb tacos and or burritos. Mexican food can be lighter and less carbs! Zucchini Tortillas...
Look for the best air frying recipes? We have so many easy and healthy air fryer recipes for you to choose from. Air Frying...
Our collection of easy cheese ball appetizers is always growing and this one is a fantastic sun dried tomato cheese ball. There’s so much...
Hi Friends! This recipe is perfect if you love Asian food, especially popular beef and broccoli. This Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry is flavorful...
Air Fryer Sausage stuffing is amazing and easy.
This is truly one of the easiest and the best pumpkin cheesecake you’ll ever make. Everyone in our test kitchens loves a great slice...
Our favorite way to cook brussels sprouts with bacon and garlic.
Our spaghetti squash with sausage recipe is a reader favorite. Make a double batch because it’s that good! Easy Spaghetti Squash Recipe We are...
Homemade pies are so easy to make and super delicious. But when you decorate them with awesome Fall Pie designs, everyone will go nuts...
Making pie dough from scratch is so simple, gratifying and delicious. It'll make you look like the rock star pie hero!
This is truly an easy butternut squash soup recipe. If you love a soup for Fall or Winter this is a great recipe. It’s...
Family favorite honey baked ham. The leftovers are the best part!
Smashed potatoes with mushroom gravy is outstanding! Only thing we can say is to make this asap. We absolutely love mushroom gravy. Best Smashed Potatoes...
Healthy carrots with herbs are perfect in the air fryer
This beef and cheese taco dip might look like it is for Halloween, but it’s really for all year. If you’re having a halloween...