Our chicken fajita salad recipe is the ultimate way to satisfy your chicken fajitas craving in a light, refreshing and healthy salad. It’s a...
PIzza crust made from shredded chicken. Keto, low carb and delicious!
We have so many holiday ham recipe ideas for you
Our microwave fudge recipe is super quick and easy. You’ll be hooked and amazed at how creamy this recipe is. Santa will love these!...
Festive holiday pinecone cheese ball is the perfect appetizer.
Flavorful and juicy sriracha roast chicken with sriracha gravy
What are the best air fryers? Our air fryer buyers guide is filled with tips and information to help you make the best purchase....
This easy recipe for chocolate peppermint bark is truly super easy. There’s no need to buy it at all. It takes just 3 ingredients...
Baked fish fillets are easy and delicious: homemade!
Here’s another fantastic appetizer recipe for your air fryer! These air fried stuffed mushrooms are super delicious and crazy easy to make. After making...
From savory to sweet, there's a breakfast bake for everyone. These are perfect for busy mornings, holiday weekends or Christmas morning.
Why use your air fryer for Thanksgiving? Because it frees your oven space and air frying side dishes are simple, delicious and perfect. Here’s...
The turkey may be the star of Thanksgiving, but the side dishes are the what everyone loves. Make a handful of great recipes to...
Slow cooker chicken recipes are always wonderful to have on hand for those busy weeknights, especially this slow cooker roast chicken. An ideal one...
One pot and simple skillet chicken fettuccine alfredo is restaurant quality.
We're obsessed with these big mac smashburger tacos!
Easy stovetop sloppy joes mix in under 30 minutes.
Pumpkin bread pudding is perfect for breakfast and brunch.
Air fryer meatballs are so easy to make and quick to devour.
Healthy baked tuna patties are great for anytime of day.
Grilled Korean short ribs are so good! Have you tried these yet?
Chicken satay skewers are so good with peanut dip
Hey Friends! It’s party time with our blended kiwi margaritas ! We’re working hard over here with so many different recipes and we realized...
Have you ever tried grilling broccoli on the bbq or grill? If you haven’t, you’re in for a big surprise. We’re super excited about...