Skillet white fish with garlic butter is fantastic!
If you’re ever craving spaghetti with sauce without the carbs and calories, you’re going to love this easy spaghetti squash cheese sauce recipe with...
Recipes for your special Valentine.
Here’s our collection of the best chicken wing recipes. Enjoy these for holidays, game day, tailgating or anytime you’re looking for a great platter...
Homemade buffalo sauce in 5 minutes. Better than store bought!
Homemade Swedish Meatballs with gravy is way better than Ikea's meatballs.
Viral Tik tok smash tacos are crazy good and super easy.
best ever slow cooker bbq chicken for sandwiches and more
Melt-in-your-mouth sloppy joe sliders are perfect for a feeding a crowd. Make them for a fun family dinner or for a parties & game...
Better than a restaurant: Instant Pot chicken tortilla soup!
Crunchy and always yummy, homemade crispy fried fish fillets.
Deli style curry chicken salad, but it's better. Homemade!
Is it possible to make air fryer frozen chicken wings straight from the freezer? Yes! And they are amazing!
Our chicken fajita salad recipe is the ultimate way to satisfy your chicken fajitas craving in a light, refreshing and healthy salad. It’s a...
PIzza crust made from shredded chicken. Keto, low carb and delicious!
Our microwave fudge recipe is super quick and easy. You’ll be hooked and amazed at how creamy this recipe is. Santa will love these!...
Festive holiday pinecone cheese ball is the perfect appetizer.
Flavorful and juicy sriracha roast chicken with sriracha gravy
What are the best air fryers? Our air fryer buyers guide is filled with tips and information to help you make the best purchase....
This easy recipe for chocolate peppermint bark is truly super easy. There’s no need to buy it at all. It takes just 3 ingredients...
Baked fish fillets are easy and delicious: homemade!
Here’s another fantastic appetizer recipe for your air fryer! These air fried stuffed mushrooms are super delicious and crazy easy to make. After making...
Slow cooker chicken recipes are always wonderful to have on hand for those busy weeknights, especially this slow cooker roast chicken. An ideal one...
One pot and simple skillet chicken fettuccine alfredo is restaurant quality.