Learn how to bake spaghetti squash! This amazing vegetable is one of the most unique squashes to cook and eat. When roasted in the oven, the...
This recipe for easy mac and cheese is creamy and full of comfort. All you need to do is to prepare the cheese mixture in...
We’re all about gravy and our Salisbury steak recipe with mushroom gravy is amazing. And what makes this salisbury steak recipe even more amazing...
What are hasselback potatoes? They are an impressive looking type of baked potato, where the potatoes are sliced, but not all the way through. They...
Leftover Thanksgiving leftovers Cottage Pie is an all time favorite for us because it’s the whole Thanksgiving dinner in one awesome warm casserole. Cottage...
We’re obsessed with this butternut squash casserole and hope you are too. It’s hard for us to not want to eat this beloved squash...
We love this garlic butter green beans recipe! If you’re ever craving green beans to add to your steak dinner or holiday meal, these...
Thanksgiving is about so many delicious things to eat and for many, the meal resolves around a great Thanksgiving stuffing dish. Mom’s homemade sausage...
Love spicy cauliflower? Then have you tried this air fried spicy cauliflower? If you’re a fan of crispy cauliflower with sriracha hot sauce, then...
Garlic Shrimp zucchini noodles are a fantastic way to enjoy shrimp scampi pasta dinner because there’s less carbs and starch. It’s the perfect weeknight...
You’re going to love our popular cheeseburger mac and cheese recipe. Friends and family tasted our skillet cheeseburger macaroni and cheese recipe. They said...
Yeah, these halloween bat bites are too cute but they’re not too cute to eat! Halloween celebrations for kids and adults are always more...
This original slow cooker creamy garlic chicken recipe is the perfect quick and easy dinner that parents love to make kids absolutely love to...
Creamy garlic zucchini noodles are a treat! It’s creamy garlic alfredo chicken and low carb zucchini noodles combined into one awesome bite. Read all...
Want a quick and delicious Asian seafood dinner? Foil pack chili garlic shrimp with vegetables are a perfect way to enjoy something lighter without...
A favorite family dinner is our buttermilk fried chicken with mushroom gravy recipe. Add a side of mashed potatoes and we’re obsessed. Kids LOVE...
This kale stripper is a cool and convenient little gadget to help strip kale, swiss chard, herbs and other large leaf veggies. You can...
Oh these juicy orange popsicles are so delicious and will keep you cool and refreshed! These orange pops are totally the way to go...
This foil pack salmon recipe has always been our weeknight favorite quick and easy dinner option. We make the marinade the day before and when we get...
Love shrimp cocktail? Our recipe for easy shrimp cocktail has a wonderful and simple cocktail sauce that’s loaded with flavor! Shrimp Cocktail Recipe The...
Our smoked brisket recipe is slow smoked and with some time and patience, it’s the most tender and best brisket ever. There’s so many...
Our recipe for cloud eggs or eggs in a cloud is super simple, it’s hard to mess it up. Because it’s so easy, this...
Love chocolate ice cream? Ditch the ice cream maker and be ready to have your mind blown on this easy chocolate ice cream recipe....
These super fun inside a watermelon margaritas recipe is awesome and a blast for your next Summer gathering. It’s a favorite and popular margarita...